Thursday, April 1, 2021



I am thankful for my station

Grateful for where you have put me

For I did not grow into where i am now

I am budded, trimmed and grafted

My faeet did not carry me to my doorstep

Nor did my thinking chart my course

I am placed and stationed

Gauged and positioned

To fill the space i now occupy

To rise to fill the pan now baking

That is my task, and mine alone

Gauged and governed by my God who sees

Unbounded aspiration

And unintended elevation

Can strip resources from ascendance

Leaving an  untethered blimp like spectacle

Before a disaster orchestrated by ambition

Lazy apathy and unfaithful dereliction

Can bury me with briars of resentment

Sown on a grave that was never to be mine

Tended by those under my care 

For whom i was never there

Growing where i am put, 

Ah there is limitless possibility

to fill the sixty seconds of time well run

To harrow, water, weed and build

A garden of blooms, remembered hue

Nourished, cared for, faithful and true

To hear that master say

On his evening stroll

Well done my loved one, now my friend

Well done, well done, right till the end