Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What should I do?

Acts 22: 10 What should I do? Paul was zealous in his persecution of the Jews based on his convictions. Till he heard a voice from heaven that caused a paradigm shift in his thinking. His response is what gets me.. “What should I do Lord?” There are “aha” moments for all of us, when heaven comes down and touches earth for a brief spell. We all go “aha!” The reality check is what we do after. May our “aha” moments translate into obedience to the light we walk by.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Stop Talking

Proverbs 20:19 The one who reveals secrets is a constant gossip avoid someone with a big mouth.
Our mouth is the most uncontrolled organ in our body. How accurately the Bible focusses on this otherwise unconsidered organ. We have sessions and whole medical departments dedicated to all the other organs in the body, but nothing for the mouth. With it we bless, with it we curse. It speaks what the heart is full of, which is often most uncomplimentary to the speaker without us even realizing that we are shamelessly baring our soul to bewildered hearers. “Stop talking” is good advice, rarely heeded.

Monday, June 18, 2012

A weaned child

Psalm 131 I do not get involved with things too great or difficult for me.
Our world is constantly clamouring for more. More attention. More things. More programs. More money. David surely had more than enough on his plate. His spirit did not seek these things out. He was content to calm and quiet himself with what he had. A spirit of a weaned child, content in the lap of his mother. This spirit will free us from the slavery for “success”. Sure a mans reach should exceed that of his grasp, but that reach should not leave him dangling in mid air.

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Psalm 119:69 The arrogant have smeared me with lies, but I obey your precepts with all my heart.
Smear campaigns. Misunderstood malignings. Character assassinations. Attributed arrogance. Misinterpreted maliciousness. Engineered lies. Awful assumptions. These seem to be very much the subject of human dealings. Any social circle seems to have its share, with varying proportions dependant on the decadence of its people. What is David’s response? Careless obedience. Focussed faithfulness. Single minded abandonment. Quite often our energy is fruitlessly dissipated in futilely flying in the face of the accusations and assumptions made against us. How much more productive is careless obedience.

Friday, June 8, 2012


1 Samuel 30:6 David was in a difficult position because the troops talked about stoning him, for they were all very bitter over the loss of their sons and daughters. But David found strength in the Lord his God.
Returning refused from participating in battle because of their ethnic origin, Davids men found their houses raided and their wives and children carried away captive. There was enough reason to be bitter. Disappointed, disgruntled. Quite a few had started of disgruntled to begin with (1 Sam 22:2) David found himself in a difficult position. Rebellion within the camp for no fault of his. Bitterness the common enemy, a resident evil within the camp. Not that there was not enough reason to be bitter, with all the wives and children captive and the camp destroyed. This is not an uncommon position for most leaders to have faced. Open rebellion for a variety of reasons. As we lead, we come to appreciate the fickleness of all of humanity, ourselves included. The redeeming verse is the source of a leaders strength. David found it in his God. Where is our strength from? Is it rightly placed. Are we able to feel the everlasting arms and hear the rustle of His feathers over us?