Sunday, September 18, 2016

My grace is sufficient

My grace is sufficient, He said

In the midst of whirling nights and roller coaster days
Every hard chased minute
Has sixty seconds of uncertain deadlines
Red warnings of jobs unfulfilled
Split second hits and near second misses

Waves of billowing emotions
Cascade over kaleidoscopic networks
Faces and canvases with
Colors that glow in the dark

Unmet intentions
Scrabble at strained doorways
That opened too late
Or shut too early

Tasks juggle in disordered array
Orbiting the scrambled day with
Arcs of uncertain trajectory

But the all sustained vapor
Has a permeation of grace
Freezing the mayhem
Into crystal drops of disordered purpose

An amazing canvas of salvation
Visible only through a grace glazed lens
In slow motion
A post script itinerary
Only if authored by the scripter of time
His grace, not mine
The arbiter, of eternity, His time deciding mine