Thursday, June 18, 2015

Be there in our conversations

My wife and my child figure in my conversations often. Nathaniel delights us with his insights and comments, many of which are hilarious, such as when he looks at one of us and proclaims profoundly- " You are missing some parts", referring to an absent dimple on one side of a face.

People who mean to us figure in our conversations. Their influences creep in from the positions they occupy in our minds and hearts. They encircle and color situations, and stand in the wings as we step out into areas that demand conviction and are new for us.

How much does Jesus figure in my conversations? What place does he occupy in the passages of my daily profession? Does his figure hover over my forays into uncharted areas? Do I refer to Him in the course of my day, or reminesce about His hand in the history of my past?

How I want Him to be there in my conversations, a silent  listener, approving quietly to statements of faith. And maybe, in between the noise, I will get a chance to hear Him too midst the cacophony of mixed messages. And I will know, because my heart will burn within me.