Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Renal stones

Renal stones allow men to experience the throes of labour pains, and is described as the male equivalent of labour.  After experiencing all that pain to have a five millimeter sized stone tinkle into the toilet may be a huge relief, but it is is a joyless labour, more a sense of relief, than the joy that accompanies the birth of a child.

Surprisingly, huge renal stones can be relatively painless. We operated on a patient who had come to us from a far distance, who was nurturing a staghorn calculus in his right kidney.

He had enough stones to inspire the scrub nurse to comment that we could make a necklace and ear rings out of them.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Every day

Every day will I bless thee; And I will praise thy name for ever and ever.

Every day
The sun rises, bathing the cloud shrouded mountains
Birds sing invariably sweet
The night black silence
Heralding a new day

Every day
I will bless thee
Are the blessings
On me

Rising softly
Ever upwards
For your goodness
In the day

Every day
Cycle through
A symphony of praise